Showing entries 1-17 out of 17.
Hyprland multiple borders plugin
Hyprland CS:GO/CS2 Vulkan fix plugin
Hyprland plugin for an i3 / sway like manual tiling layout
Clients overview for Hyprland plugin
Plugin to make your Hyprland cursor more realistic
Tiling X11 window manager written in modern C++
Hyprland window title plugin
Hyprland workspaces overview plugin
Focus animation plugin for Hyprland inspired by Flashfocus
Hyprland plugin for touch gestures
Hyprland layout plugin providing a scrolling layout like PaperWM
Workspace overview plugin for Hyprland
Hyprland plugin for awesome / dwm like workspaces
Hyprland smooth trails behind moving windows plugin
Hyprland xwinwrap-like plugin
Hyprland shade configuration tool
Xdg-desktop-portal backend for Hyprland