Showing entries 1-30 out of 30.
Program for writing Microsoft-compatible boot records
Microsoft Authentication Library cross platform Dbus client for talking to microsoft-identity-brok…
Mono version of Microsoft Build Engine, the build platform for .NET, and Visual Studio
Rich interactive log viewer for MSBuild logs
Convert Message Sequence Chart descriptions into PNG, SVG, or EPS images
Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compressor
Transfer files over multiple SSH (SFTP) connections
Micron Storage Executive CLI
WebDriver implementation that controls an Edge browser running on the local machine
MSFvenom Payload Creator
MessagePack implementation for C and C++
MessagePack implementation for C
MessagePack implementation for C++
Command-line tools for converting between MessagePack and JSON
Simple and efficient MsgPack binary serialization library in a self-contained header file
Microsoft Graph CLI
Viewer for .msg files (MS Outlook)
C library implementing a suite of algorithms to factor large integers
Mediastreamer plugin for the iLBC audio codec
Set of programs to inspect and build Windows Installer (.MSI) files
LDAP enumeration tool
Create Windows Shortcut Files (.LNK) without using Windows
Library for polynomial system solving through algebraic methods
Linux tool to display or modify x86 model-specific registers (MSRs)
Tool to read/write from/to MSR CPU registers on Linux
Open source version of Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT)
Molecular structure store for testing
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol daemon
Command-line Linux utility that efficiently directs mail synchronization between a pair of mailbox…
SAT solver binary based on the msat library