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Showing entries 1-25 out of 25.
Tool that can be used to verify BC breaks between two versions of a PHP library
roboNix package
Modern task runner for PHP
robodocNix package
Documentation Extraction Tool
robotfindskittenNix package
Yet another zen simulation; A simple find-the-kitten game
Code autoformatter for Robot Framework
rockbox-utilityrockbox-utilityNix package
Open source firmware for digital music players
rockbox-utilityrockbox_utilityNix package
Open source firmware for digital music players
rockcraftNix package
Create OCI images using the language from Snapcraft and Charmcraft
rockyouNix package
Famous wordlist often used for brute force attacks
Over 1500 AppArmor profiles aiming to confine most linux processes
rofi-blezzNix package
Plugin for rofi that emulates blezz behaviour
rofi-obsidianNix package
Launch your Obsidian vaults from the comfort of rofi
rofimojiNix package
Simple emoji and character picker for rofi
ronnNix package
Markdown-based tool for building manpages
roon-tuiNix package
Roon Remote for the terminal
rootbar-unstableNix package
Bar for Wayland WMs
rosaNix package
CLI for the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS
rose-pine-cursorNix package
Soho vibes for Cursors
roslyn-lsNix package
Language server behind C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code
rospoNix package
Simple, reliable, persistent ssh tunnels with embedded ssh server
rotondaNix package
Rotonda - composable, programmable BGP Engine
route-detectNix package
Find authentication (authn) and authorization (authz) security bugs in web application routes
route-graphNix package
CLI tool for creating graphs of routes
routinatorNix package
RPKI Validator written in Rust
roxtermNix package
A highly configurable terminal emulator