Showing entries 1-18 out of 18.
Detect CPU ISA features with single-file
Extremely fast Python linter
Language Server Protocol implementation for Ruff
Language Server Protocol implementation for Ruff
Language Server Protocol implementation for Ruff
A cross-platform command-line tool for executing jobs in parallel
Rust shell tool to run commands in parallel with a similar interface to GNU parallel
Virtual / remote desktop infrastructure for everyone!
Virtual / remote desktop infrastructure for everyone!
Minimal command line calendar, similar to cal
Fast, encrypted, deduplicated backups powered by pure Rust
Fast, encrypted, deduplicated backups powered by pure Rust
Explore the Rust programming language and learn more about it while doing exercises
C-to-rustls bindings
A TUI for the Transmission daemon
Local audio player and network m3u8 radio player using a terminal interface
Commandline diceware, with or without dice, written in Rustlang
Yet another web front-end for rTorrent