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Showing entries 1-10 out of 10.
Lyrion Music Server (formerly Logitech Media Server) is open-source server software which controls…
Grub bootloader themes, contains light/dark/orange/bigSur styles
sleqppython311Packages.sleqpNix package
An active set-based NLP solver
sleqppython312Packages.sleqpNix package
An active set-based NLP solver
sleqpsleqpNix package
An active set-based NLP solver
sloth-appNix package
Mac app that shows all open files, directories, sockets, pipes and devices
slskdNix package
Modern client-server application for the Soulseek file sharing network
slumberNix package
Terminal-based HTTP/REST client
slurm-nmNix package
Generic network load monitor
slurpNix package
Select a region in a Wayland compositor