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Showing entries 1-18 out of 18.
BeautyLineNix package
BeautyLine icon theme
Translucent Varient of the Material Based Cursor
Flat remix is a pretty simple icon theme inspired on material design
gruppled-cursorsgruppled-black-cursorsNix package
Gruppled Cursors theme
gruppled-cursorsgruppled-white-cursorsNix package
Gruppled Cursors theme
gruppled-lite-cursorsgruppled-black-lite-cursorsNix package
Gruppled Lite Cursors theme
gruppled-lite-cursorsgruppled-white-lite-cursorsNix package
Gruppled Lite Cursors theme
Gruvbox icons for GTK based desktop environments
kora-icon-themeNix package
SVG icon theme in four variants
Icon theme inspired by macOS and Google's Material Design
maia-icon-themeNix package
Icons based on Breeze and Super Flat Remix
numix-icon-themeNix package
Numix icon theme
papirus-icon-themeepapirus-icon-themeNix package
Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
papirus-icon-themepapirus-icon-themeNix package
Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
Manjaro variation of Papirus icon theme
tango-icon-themeNix package
Basic set of icons
Flat and colorful personality icon theme
zafiro-iconsNix package
Icon pack flat with light colors