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Showing entries 14501-14600 out of 52683.
r-ACEPNix package
Analisis Computacional de Eventos de Protesta
ACE and AVAS for Selecting Multiple Regression Transformations
'ACE' Search Engine API
ACE Kin Pair Data Simulations and Model Fitting
r-ACEtNix package
Estimating Dynamic Heritability and Twin Model Comparison
Robust Estimation of the ACF from the M-Periodogram
r-aCGHNix package
Achilles Data Source Characterization
r-acidNix package
Analysing Conditional Income Distributions
r-ACMENix package
r-acmeRNix package
r-ACNENix package
Affymetrix SNP Probe-Summarization using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
r-acnrNix package
Annotated Copy-Number Regions
Modelling Dependence with Multivariate Archimax (or any User-Defined Continuous)
Coding Sound Files for Use with NDL
r-acpNix package
Autoregressive Conditional Poisson
r-aCRMNix package
r-acroNix package
A Tool for Automating the Statistical Disclosure Control of Research Outputs
Engine for Acronyms and Initialisms
A Cost-Minimal Regular Spanning Subgraph with TreeClust
r-acrtNix package
r-acsNix package
Download, Manipulate, and Present American Community Survey and Decennial Data from the US Census
r-acssNix package
Algorithmic Complexity for Short Strings
ACSS, Corresponding ACSS, and GLP Algorithm
r-ACSWRNix package
A Companion Package for the Book "A Course in Statistics with R"
r-actNix package
Aligned Corpus Toolkit
r-ACTCDNix package
Asymptotic Classification Theory for Cognitive Diagnosis
r-ActCRNix package
Extract Circadian Rhythms Metrics from Actigraphy Data
r-actelNix package
Acoustic Telemetry Data Analysis
Activity Fragmentation Metrics Extracted from Minute Level Activity Data
Generate Activity Counts from Raw Accelerometer Data
Sleep Duration Estimate Algorithm
A 'Shiny' App to Analyze Accelerometer-Measured Daily Physical Behavior Data
Utilities for Parsing and Plotting Activities
Finding Cancer Driver Proteins with Enriched Mutations in Post-Translational Modification Sites
Gaussian Process Based Design and Analysis for the Active Subspace Method
Integrative Pathway Enrichment Analysis of Multivariate Omics Data
Animal Activity Statistics
Activity Index Calculation using Raw 'Accelerometry' Data
Advanced Processing and Chart Generation from activPAL
Creating Actuarial Life Tables
Read in Activity Data and Plot Actograms
Actuarial Functions and Heavy Tailed Distributions
Handling Hierarchically Structured Risk Factors using Random Effects Models
Computation of Actuarial Measures Using Bell G Family
Develop Actuarial Models
Create Actuarial Experience Studies: Prepare Data, Summarize Results, and Create Reports
A Package for Displaying Visual Scenes as They May Appear to an Animal with Lower Acuity
'Acumos' R Interface
r-ACVNix package
Optimal Out-of-Sample Forecast Evaluation and Testing under Stationarity
r-ACWRNix package
Acute Chronic Workload Ratio Calculation
r-adaNix package
The R Package Ada for Stochastic Boosting
Applies Multiclass AdaBoost
r-adaceNix package
Estimator of the Adherer Average Causal Effect
Discrete and Global Optimization Routines
Adaptive Huber Estimation and Regression
r-ADAMNix package
Archetypoid Algorithms and Anomaly Detection
r-adanaNix package
Adaptive Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Hybrid Genetic Optimization
Adaptive Sampling Algorithms
Adaptive Approaches for Signal Detection in Pharmacovigilance
Check Code Style Painlessly
Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Diagnostic Trials
Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
Adaptive Generalized PCA
Adaptive Sparsity Models
Tau-Leaping Stochastic Simulation
Adaptive Bioequivalence Design for In-Vitro Permeation Tests
Implementation of a Generic Adaptive Monte Carlo Markov Chain Sampler
Adaptive P-Value Thresholding for Multiple Hypothesis Testing with Side Information
Adaptive Trial Simulator
Automated Deconvolution Augmentation of Profiles for Tissue Specific Cells
Adaptive Smoothing of FMRI Data
Adaptive Two-Stage Tests
r-adaRNix package
A Fast 'WHATWG' Compliant URL Parser
Adaptive Sampling for Positive Unlabeled and Label Noise Learning
r-adassNix package
Adaptive Smoothing Spline (AdaSS) Estimator for the Function-on-Function Linear Regression
r-adbiNix package
'DBI' Compliant Database Access Using 'ADBC'
r-adcNix package
Calculate Antecedent Discharge Conditions
r-ADCTNix package
Adaptive Design in Clinical Trials
Add to 'ggplot2'
Binomial and Multinomial Additive Hazard Models
Fit Additive Hazards Models for Survival Analysis
Addins Made of Joao Melo
Discover and Install Useful RStudio Addins
'RStudio' Addins for Show Outline of a R Markdown/'LaTeX' Project
Bindings for Additive TidyModels