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Showing entries 25501-25600 out of 54071.
Detect Heatwaves and Cold-Spells
r-heavyNix package
r-heckNix package
Highly Performant String Case Converter
Fit Normal, Student-t or Contaminated Normal Heckman Selection Models
Estimation and Inference for Heckman Selection Models with Cluster-Robust Variance
r-HEDANix package
'Hydropeaking Events Detection Algorithm'
Dynamic R Markdown Document Generation
An Implementation of the Hedged Random Forest Algorithm
Property-Based Testing
Markov Models for Health Economic Evaluations
Drift Adaptable Models
r-heimsNix package
Decode and Validate HEIMS Data from Department of Education, Australia
Score and Plot the Healthy Eating Index from NHANES Data
r-heldaNix package
Visualize Alpha-Helical Peptide Sequences
The Hellinger Correlation
Providing 'stringsAsFactors=FALSE' Variants of 'data.frame()' and ''
Hello Java World
Minimal Examples of Using Rust Code in R
Access London Natural History Museum Host-Helminth Record Database
r-HELPNix package
Tools for Environmental Analyses, Ecotoxicology and Various R Functions
R Tools for Helsinki Open Data
r-HEMNix package
Hierarchical Ensemble Methods for Directed Acyclic Graphs
Processing Hemispherical Canopy Images
Visualizing Hypothesis Tests in Multivariate Linear Models
r-hereNix package
A Simpler Way to Find Your Files
r-hereRNix package
'sf'-Based Interface to the 'HERE' REST APIs
r-hergmNix package
Marker-Based Estimation of Heritability Using Individual Plant or Plot Data
Heritability of Gene Expression for Next-Generation Sequencing
Generalized Hermite Distribution
Efficient Sequential and Batch Estimation of Univariate and Bivariate Probability Density Function…
r-heroNix package
Spatio-Temporal (Hero) Sandwich Smoother
r-HERONNix package
r-hesimNix package
Health Economic Simulation Modeling and Decision Analysis
Test of No Main and/or Interaction Effects in Functional Data
Semi-Parametric Estimation with Gaussian Copula
Spatial Functions for Heterogeneity and Climate Variability
Gaussian Graphical Model-Based Heterogeneity Analysis
Convert Various Meta-Analysis Heterogeneity Measures
Copula Graphical Models for Heterogeneous Mixed Data
r-hetGPNix package
Heteroskedastic Gaussian Process Modeling and Design under Replication
Homomorphic Encryption Polynomials
r-HETOPNix package
MLE and Bayesian Estimation of Heteroskedastic Ordered Probit (HETOP) Model
Assessing Heterogeneity in the Utility of a Surrogate Marker
Assessing Heterogeneity in Surrogacy Using Censored Data
r-hettNix package
Heteroscedastic t-Regression
Testing for a Treatment Effect Using a Heterogeneous Surrogate Marker
Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Regression Analysis
r-hettxNix package
Fisherian and Neymanian Methods for Detecting and Measuring Treatment Effect Variation
r-hetuNix package
Structural Handling of Finnish Personal Identity Codes
Heuristic Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Solver
Heuristics Including Take the Best and Unit-Weight Linear
Discovery of Process Models with the Heuristics Miner
Hexagonal Binning Routines
Fast Kernel Density Estimation with Hexagonal Grid
'GNU Unifont' Hex Fonts
Create Hexagon Sticker in R
Integrated Tool for Hairping Extraction of RNA Sequences
Hexbin Plots with Triangles
Viewing Binary Files
r-hfhubNix package
Hugging Face Hub Interface
Flights that departed Houston in 2011
r-hfrNix package
Estimate Hierarchical Feature Regression Models
r-HGCNix package
Learning Graphical Models with Hubs
r-hglmNix package
Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models
r-hgmNix package
Holonomic Gradient Method and Gradient Descent
r-HGMNDNix package
Heterogeneous Graphical Model for Non-Negative Data
r-hgncNix package
Download and Import the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee ('HGNC')
Identify and Correct Invalid HGNC Human Gene Symbols and MGI Mouse Gene Symbols
Use Graph Structure to Travel
r-HGSLNix package
Heterogeneous Group Square-Root Lasso