Showing entries 27401-27500 out of 52683.
Manipulation of Linear Systems of (in)Equalities
Lipid Annotation for LC-MS/MS DDA or DIA Data
Integrative Visualizations of the Lipidome
Elegant Tools for Processing and Visualization of Lipidomics Data
Computes and Visualize Lipinski's Parameters
Implements Queue, PriorityQueue and Stack Classes
LInear Regression in Astronomy
Color Palettes from Color Lisa
Import Output from LISREL into R
Statistical Methods for the Item Count Technique and List Experiment
Incomplete Array with Arbitrary R Objects as Indices
A Toolbox for Working with R Arrays in a Functional Programming Style
Create R Markdown from Lists
Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists
Tests of independence based on the Longest Increasing Subsequence
'htmlwidget' for Interactive Views of R Lists
Latent Interaction Testing for Genome-Wide Studies
Likelihood-Based Inference for Time Series Extremes
Lightweight Portable Message Queue Using 'SQLite'
Random Forests for Multiple Imputation Based on 'ranger'
Dataset and Tools to Research the Riddle of Literary Quality
Fit a Collection of Curves to Single Cohort Decomposition Data
R at the Command-Line via 'r'
Liu Regression with Liu Biasing Parameters and Statistics
Local Interpretable (Model-Agnostic) Visual Explanations
"Eating the Liver of Data Science"
Logistic Joinpoint Regression
Logistic Knowledge Tracing
Leveraging Learning to Automatically Manage Algorithms
The L-Logistic Bayesian Regression
Logit Leaf Model Classifier for Binary Classification
The L-Logistic Distribution
Data Analysis of Liquid-Liquid Systems using R
Bootstrap in Linear Models
A Self-Adaptive Approach for Demodulating Multi-Component Signal
Linear Fixed/Mixed Effects Models for Diallel Crosses
Landmark Multi-Dimensional Scaling
Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4
Information Matrices for 'lmeStruct' and 'glsStruct' Objects
Model Selection and Post-Hoc Analysis for (G)LMER Models
Bootstrap Methods for Nested Linear Mixed-Effects Models
Perform Permutation Test on General Linear and Mixed Linear Regression
Tests in Linear Mixed Effects Models
Add Smoothing Spline Modelling Capability to `nlme`
Generalized Latent Markov Models
Functions for Estimation and Inference of Selection in Age-Structured Populations
Filter Methods for Parameter Estimation in Linear and Non Linear Regression Models
Functions for Forest Biometrics
Helper Functions for Linear Model Analysis
Gaussian Location-Scale Regression
Fit Latent Multivariate Mixed Effects Location Scale Models
Multiple Ordinal Tobit (MOT) Model
Parallel Linear Mixed Model
Linear Mixed Model Solver
Repeated Measurement Models for Discrete Times
Inference for Linear Models with Nuisance Parameters
Advanced L-Moment Fitting of Distributions
L-Moments, Censored L-Moments, Trimmed L-Moments, L-Comoments, and Many Distributions
L-Moments and Quantile Mixtures
(Precipitation) Frequency Analysis and Variability with L-Moments from 'lmom'
Regional Frequency Analysis using L-Moments
Easy Import of the EU Labour Market Policy Data
Permutation Tests for Linear Models
An Algorithm for Gene Co-Expression Analysis
Data and Functions Used in Linear Models and Regression with R: An Integrated Approach
Linear Ridge Regression with Ridge Penalty and Ridge Statistics
Exact Variable-Subset Selection in Linear Regression
Testing Linear Regression Models
Outlier Robust Specification Testing