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Showing entries 41901-42000 out of 52683.
Analysis of Tidal Datasets
Volume under the ROC Surface for Multi-Class ROC Analysis
Creates Assertion Tests
'Canvas' LMS API Integration
Apply Transformations to Data
Statistical Test App with R 'shiny'
Fill Data Points
Read and Write Data
Apply Manipulations to Data Frames
Create Complex Shiny Apps More Easily
R Interface for 'Tableau' Services
Interface for 'Semestry TermTime' Services
Draw Variable-Width Lines
r-VWPreNix package
Tools for Preprocessing Visual World Data
r-vwrNix package
r-vyosNix package
A Graphical Tool for Wavelet (Cross) Correlation and Wavelet Multiple (Cross) Correlation Analysis
R Interface to W3C Markup Validation Services
Utils List for W4M - Workflow for Metabolomics
r-WANix package
While-Alive Loss Rate for Recurrent Event in the Presence of Death
r-waccRNix package
Colorblind-Friendly Palettes from Washington State
r-WACSNix package
Multivariate Weather-State Approach Conditionally Skew-Normal Generator
Word Factor Vectors
r-waddRNix package
Create Waffle Chart Visualizations
r-wahcNix package
Loading Screen for 'Shiny'
Generate Random Data Sets
r-walNix package
Read and Write 'wal' Bitmap Image Files and Other 'Quake' Assets
r-waldoNix package
Find Differences Between R Objects
Generate Walk Bouts from GPS and Accelerometry Data
Bayesian Generalized Linear Models with Time-Varying Coefficients
A Tidy Interface to the 'Walk Score' API
Walk Score and Transit Score API
A Modular Platform for Reproducible Modeling of Species Niches and Distributions
Datasets for Multi-Omics Integration in a Plant Abiotic Stress Context
r-wallyNix package
The Wally Calibration Plot for Risk Prediction Models
Walmart Open API Wrapper
Robust Statistical Methods
r-WALSNix package
Weighted-Average Least Squares Model Averaging
Simulate Rehabilitation Strategies for Water Distribution Systems
r-wandNix package
Retrieve 'Magic' Attributes from Files and Directories
Roster Generation of Turn for Weekdays:'warabandi'
Streamline Bioacoustic Analysis
r-WARNNix package
Weaning Age Reconstruction with Nitrogen Isotope Analysis
r-warpNix package
Group Dates
Mixed Effects Modeling with Warping for Functional Data Using B-Spline
Urban Water and Sanitation Survey Dataset
Time Series Outlier Detection
Washington State Legislative Explorer
r-washiNix package
Washington Soil Health Initiative Branding
r-WASPNix package
Wavelet System Prediction
Tool Kit to Implement a W.A.S.P.A.S. Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Solution
r-wasprNix package
Wasserstein Barycenters of Subset Posteriors
r-waterNix package
Retrieval, Analysis, and Anomaly Calculation of Daily Hydrologic Time Series Data
Waterfall Charts
Create Waterfall Charts using 'ggplot2' Simply
Satellite Derived Water Quality Detection Algorithms
Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley Water Year Types
r-WatsNix package
Wrap Around Time Series Graphics
Fitting and Simulating Mixtures of Watson Distributions
r-wavNix package
Read and Write WAV Files
Computes Credible Intervals for Bayesian Wavelet Shrinkage
r-wavedNix package
Wavelet Deconvolution
Wavelet ANN Model
Wavelet-ARIMA Model for Time Series Forecasting
Computational Wavelet Analysis
Wavelet Based Error Trend Seasonality Model
Fit the Wavelet-GARCH Model to Volatile Time Series Data
Wavelet Based Gradient Boosting Method
Wavelet Based K-Nearest Neighbor Model
Wavelet Based LSTM Model
Wavelet Decomposition Based Hybrid Machine Learning Models
The Best Wavelet Filter-Level for Prepared Wavelet-Based Models
Wavelet-RF Hybrid Model for Time Series Forecasting
Functions for Computing Wavelet Filters, Wavelet Transforms and Multiresolution Analyses
Wavelet-SVR Hybrid Model for Time Series Forecasting
Wavelet Routines for Global and Local Multiple Regression and Correlation
r-waverNix package
Calculate Fetch and Wave Energy
Extracting Signals from Wavelet Spectra
Data Estimation using Weighted Averages of Multiple Regressions
r-wavesNix package
Vis-NIR Spectral Analysis Wrapper
Weakly Associated Vectors (WAVE) Sampling
Basic Wavelet Routines for One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Signal Processing
Wavelets Statistics and Transforms
Wavelet Scalogram Tools for Time Series Analysis
Computation of Approximate Potentials for Weakly Non-Gradient Fields
Computing Graph Structures on WikiPathways
Ergonomic Methods for Assessing Spatial Models
Weighted BACON Algorithms
r-wBootNix package
r-wbsNix package
Wild Binary Segmentation for Multiple Change-Point Detection
r-wbsdNix package
Wild Bootstrap Size Diagnostics