Showing entries 6301-6400 out of 52683.
Google Street View Publish SDK
Google Surveys SDK
Google Tag Manager SDK
Google TaskQueue SDK
Google Cloud Testing SDK
Google Cloud Text-to-Speech SDK
Google Cloud Tool Results SDK
Google Cloud TPU SDK
Google Tracing SDK
Google Cloud Translation SDK
Google URL Shortener SDK
Google Cloud User Accounts SDK
Google G Suite Vault SDK
Google Cloud Video Intelligence SDK
Google Cloud Vision SDK
Google Search Console SDK
Google Web Security Scanner SDK
Google YouTube Data SDK
Google YouTube Analytics SDK
Google YouTube Reporting SDK
A lightweight golden test runner
Graphical user interfaces that are renderable, change over time and eventually produce a value
Client for the Google Cloud APIs
Simple interface to the API
Google Drive API access
Google HTML5 Slide generator
Basic utility to search an ISBN using the Google Books webservice
Write GMail filters and output to importable XML
Bindings to the Google Geocoding API (formerly Maps Geocoding API)
Google OAuth2 token negotiation
Opininated use of Google Authentication for ease
Get Google OAuth2 token for CLI tools
Get a signed JWT for Google Service Accounts
EDSL for Google and GMail search expressions
Google APIs for server to server applications
Bindings to the Google Maps Static API (formerly Static Maps API)
Google Translate API bindings
Generate web-based charts using the Google Chart API
A monad for flexible parsing of Google Code Jam input files with automatic parallelization
Haskell Interface to Google Directions API
Haskell implementation of the Google+ API v1
Google Polyline Encoder/Decoder
Interface to Google Safe Browsing API
Interface to Google Suggest API
Interface to Google Translate API
Proxy gopher over http
Spidering robot to download files from Gopherspace
GoPro Plus Client API
Core of FRP game engine called Gore&Ash
Gore&Ash engine extension that implements actor style of programming
Core module for Gore&Ash engine that embeds async IO actions into game loop
Demonstration game for Gore&Ash game engine
Core module for Gore&Ash engine for GLFW input events
Core module for Gore&Ash engine that do something
Core module for gore-and-ash with logging utilities
Core module for Gore&Ash engine with low level network API
Gore&Ash core module for integration with SDL library
Gore&Ash module for high level network synchronization
Bindings to the GOST R 34.11-2012 hashing implementation
A Haskell Vault KVv2 secret engine client
A monad and monadic transformer providing "goto" functionality
A command line utility for practicing typing
A type definition compiler supporting multiple output languages
Generic Programming Use in Hackage
Generalized Pitch Class Sets for Haskell
Haskell GPIO interface, designed specifically for the RaspberryPi
Typesafe functional GPU graphics programming
Load GPipe meshes from Collada files
Typesafe functional GPU graphics programming
Examples for the GPipes package
GLFW OpenGL context creation for GPipe
GLFW OpenGL context creation for GPipe
Load GPipe textures from filesystem
Please see the README on GitHub at
Pure module for encoding/decoding Google Polyline
For manipulating GPS coordinates and trails
GPS to HTML Summary Report
Parse GPX files
Read GPX files using conduits
Applicative non-linear consumption
Applicative parsers for form parameter lists
Library to write graceful shutdown / upgrade service
API for creating grafana dashboards represented as json
Configure grafana dashboards from Dhall expression
Monadic correlated log events
Grafos Haskell
A Haskell client for Grakn
A parsing library of context-free grammar combinators
Grammar products and higher-dimensional grammars
Parsers that combine into grammars
Examples using the Grapefruit library
Functional Reactive Programming core
A record system for Functional Reactive Programming
Declarative user interface programming
GTK+-based backend for declarative user interface programming
Class of graphs
Fast, memory efficient and persistent graph implementation
Functions for generating structured or random FGL graphs
An implementation of algorithms for matchings in graphs
Monadic graph rewriting of hypergraphs with ports and multiedges