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Showing entries 201-300 out of 411.
javacard-devkitNix package
Official development kit by Oracle for programming for the Java Card platform
Jetbrains' fork of JCEF
An OpenJDK fork to better support Jetbrains's products
An OpenJDK fork to better support Jetbrains's products
jrsonnetNix package
Purely-functional configuration language that helps you define JSON data
jsonnetNix package
Purely-functional configuration language that helps you define JSON data
juliajuliaNix package
High-level performance-oriented dynamical language for technical computing
juliajulia_19Nix package
High-level performance-oriented dynamical language for technical computing
julia-binjulia-binNix package
High-level, high-performance, dynamic language for technical computing
julia-binjulia-ltsNix package
High-level, high-performance, dynamic language for technical computing
julia-binjulia_19-binNix package
High-level, high-performance, dynamic language for technical computing
juniperNix package
Functional reactive programming language for programming Arduino
jwasmNix package
A MASM-compatible x86 assembler
Compiler to generate binary data parsers in C++ / C# / Go / Java / JavaScript / Lua / Perl / PHP /…
kind2Nix package
A functional programming language and proof assistant
kokaNix package
Koka language compiler and interpreter
kotlinNix package
General purpose programming language
kotlin-nativeNix package
A modern programming language that makes developers happier
lazarus-gtk2Nix package
Graphical IDE for the FreePascal language
lazarus-qt5Nix package
Graphical IDE for the FreePascal language
ldcNix package
The LLVM-based D compiler
lesscpyNix package
Python LESS Compiler
lfcNix package
Polyglot coordination language
libgccjitNix package
GNU Compiler Collection, version 13.2.0
libqt5pasNix package
Free Pascal Qt5 binding library
lobsterNix package
The Lobster programming language
lunarmlNix package
Standard ML compiler that produces Lua/JavaScript
manticoreNix package
A parallel, pure variant of Standard ML
marstNix package
An Algol-60-to-C translator
matter_compilerNix package
Matter Compiler is a API Blueprint AST Media Types to API Blueprint conversion tool
mcppNix package
Matsui's C preprocessor
mercuryNix package
A pure logic programming language
microschemeNix package
A Scheme subset for Atmel microcontrollers
minimacyNix package
An open-source minimalist computing technology
mintNix package
A refreshing language for the front-end web
mirandaNix package
Compiler for Miranda -- a pure, non-strict, polymorphic, higher order functional programming langu…
mit-schemeNix package
MIT/GNU Scheme, a native code Scheme compiler
mit-scheme-x11Nix package
MIT/GNU Scheme, a native code Scheme compiler
mkclNix package
ANSI Common Lisp Implementation
mlkitNix package
Standard ML Compiler and Toolkit
mltonmltonNix package
Open-source, whole-program, optimizing Standard ML compiler
mltonmlton20130715Nix package
Open-source, whole-program, optimizing Standard ML compiler
mltonmlton20180207Nix package
Open-source, whole-program, optimizing Standard ML compiler
mltonmlton20180207BinaryNix package
Open-source, whole-program, optimizing Standard ML compiler
mlton-HEADNix package
Open-source, whole-program, optimizing Standard ML compiler
monomonoNix package
Cross platform, open source .NET development framework
monomono4Nix package
Cross platform, open source .NET development framework
monomono5Nix package
Cross platform, open source .NET development framework
mosmlNix package
A light-weight implementation of Standard ML
mozart-binaryNix package
Multiplatform implementation of the Oz programming language
mozart2Nix package
An open source implementation of Oz 3
mrubyNix package
An embeddable implementation of the Ruby language
mrustcNix package
Mutabah's Rust Compiler
mrustc-bootstrapNix package
A minimal build of Rust
mrustc-minicargoNix package
A minimalist builder for Rust
muonNix package
Modern low-level programming language
myrddinNix package
Systems language that is both powerful and fun to use
nasmNix package
An 80x86 and x86-64 assembler designed for portability and modularity
nekoNix package
A high-level dynamically typed programming language
nim-unwrappednim-unwrapped-1Nix package
Statically typed, imperative programming language
nim-unwrappednim-unwrapped-2Nix package
Statically typed, imperative programming language
nqcNix package
A programming language for several LEGO MINDSTORMS products including the RCX, CyberMaster, and Sc…
obliv-cNix package
A GCC wrapper that makes it easy to embed secure computation protocols inside regular C programs
ocamlNix package
OCaml is an industrial-strength programming language supporting functional, imperative and object-…
ocaml4.14.2-ligoNix package
A friendly Smart Contract Language for Tezos
An efficient implementation of the Lambda Prolog language
Facebook's friendly syntax to OCaml
odin-devNix package
A fast, concise, readable, pragmatic and open sourced programming language
open-watcom-binNix package
A project to maintain and enhance the Watcom C, C++, and Fortran cross compilers and tools
A project to maintain and enhance the Watcom C, C++, and Fortran cross compilers and tools
The v2 fork of the Open Watcom suite of compilers and tools
The v2 fork of the Open Watcom suite of compilers and tools
opendylanopendylanNix package
A multi-paradigm functional and object-oriented programming language
opendylanopendylan_binNix package
A multi-paradigm functional and object-oriented programming language
openjdkjdkNix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdkjdk11Nix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdkjdk17Nix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdkjdk19Nix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdkjdk20Nix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdkjdk22Nix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdkjdk8Nix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdkjre8Nix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdk-headlessjdk11_headlessNix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdk-headlessjdk17_headlessNix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdk-headlessjdk19_headlessNix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdk-headlessjdk20_headlessNix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdk-headlessjdk21_headlessNix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdk-headlessjdk22_headlessNix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdk-headlessjdk8_headlessNix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdk-headlessjre8_headlessNix package
The open-source Java Development Kit
openjdk-minimal-jrejre17_minimalNix package
openjdk-minimal-jrejre_minimalNix package
Advanced shading language for production GI renderers
Compiler for SPIN/PASM languages for Parallax Propeller MCU
OpenSYCLopensyclNix package
Multi-backend implementation of SYCL for CPUs and GPUs
OpenSYCLopensyclWithRocmNix package
Multi-backend implementation of SYCL for CPUs and GPUs
ophis-unstableNix package
A cross-assembler for the 6502 series of microprocessors
oraclejdkoraclejdkNix package
oraclejdkoraclejdk11Nix package