Showing entries 17101-17200 out of 18611.
Easy to use pattern matching and information extraction
SIMD-accelerated string search, sort, hashes, fingerprints, & edit distances
Stripe Python bindings
Simple library to convert rtf to text
Parse strings into Python datetime objects
Painless structural logging
Web and FTP server for use in unit and7or acceptance tests
Library that can be used for a variety of time series data mining tasks
Library implementation of the Art-Net protocol
Helper library for all STUPS command line tools
Convenience command line tool for fullstop
Convenient command line client for STUPS' Pier One Docker registry
Python library that keeps OAuth 2.0 service access tokens in memory for your usage
OAuth2 token management command line utility
Modular package to control stimulation and track behaviour
Python module for interacting with STARLINK-enabled vehicle
Python library to search and download subtitles
Python 3.8+ toolbox for submitting jobs to Slurm drop-in replacement that supports a tee mode
Command to Read a subunit file or stream and put the data in a SQL DB
Python module to help with the enumeration of subdomains
Collect POST requests
Lightweight SOAP python client for consuming Web Services
Lightweight SOAP python client for consuming Web Services
Python port of the R summarytools package for summarizing dataframes
Toolkit for plotting and analysis of ab initio solid-state calculation data
Algebraic data types for Python
Python for Solar Physics
Python module for the SolarLog HTTP API
Module to access the WEG solar energy platform
Missing widgets and components for Qt-python (napari/superqt)
API for running processes safely and securely
API for running processes safely and securely
System for controlling process state under UNIX
Utility belt for automated testing
Python library to interact with the Sure Petcare API
Sort-friendly URI Reordering Transform (SURT) python module
Simple library for creating beautiful interactive prompts
Gorgeous theme for Tkinter/ttk, based on the Sun Valley visual style
Type-safe Python library to generate SVG files
SVG path objects and parser
Set of tools for converting SVG graphics to TikZ/PGF code
SVG Parsing for Elements, Paths, and other SVG Objects
Pure-Python library for reading and converting SVG
Python tools to create and manipulate SVG files
Python library to create SVG drawings
Validation of Swagger specifications
Bundled swagger-ui pip package
OpenStack Object Storage
Package which efficiently applies any function to a pandas dataframe or series in the fastest avai…
Python client to get data from the Swiss federal Office for Environment FEON
Asynchronous library to use Switchbot API
Library to get the currently playing song and artist from Spotify
Automated testing for the examples in your documentation
Python library providing wrappers to SymEngine
Python library for symbolic mathematics
Python port of SymSpell v6.7.1, which provides much higher speed and lower memory consumption
Module to get LRC format (synchronized) lyrics
Python async to sync converter
Python library for calculating, analyzing, and visualizing drug combination synergy
Pytest Snapshot Test Utility
Python logging formatter for emitting RFC5424 Syslog messages
Simple and safe system's rsync wrapper for Python
Python module for connecting to System Bridge
This is the connector package for the System Bridge project
This is the models package used by the System Bridge project
Python module for native access to the systemd facilities
SysV IPC primitives (semaphores, shared memory and message queues)
SysV IPC primitives (semaphores, shared memory and message queues)
Command line client for working with Tableau Server
Python module for working with Tableau files
Module for working with the Tableau Server REST API
Library to represent tabular data
Hierarchical datasets for Python
Format-agnostic tabular dataset library
Module to extract table from PDF into pandas DataFrame
Pretty-print tabular data
Python curses command line CSV and tabular data viewer
Great data sets for Topological Data Analysis
Package to parse logical tag expressions
Python module for interacting with
Module for interacting with
Python module to interface with Tahoma REST API
Python implementation implementation of GNU tail and head
Python client for the Tailscale API
Simple time taking library using context managers
Library for the Tank Utility API
Set of tools for working with the Test Anything Protocol (TAP) in Python
Library for interacting with taskwarrior databases
Python bindings for your taskwarrior database
Module to interact with the Taskwarrior API
Generates Python parsers from grammars in a variation of EBNF
Timesheeting made easy
TAXII 2 client library
BATS and TBATS forecasting methods
Traceback fiddling library
Commonly-used set of utilities
Library to apply true color for terminal text
Simple parser for Garmin TCX files
Reader for Garmin’s TCX file format