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Showing entries 7601-7700 out of 18611.
Python API for Sighthound
Extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
Python package to generate KML
Simple key-value store for binary data
Simple multilingual lemmatizer for Python, especially useful for speed and efficiency
Python library for the web service
Module to send push notifications via Simplepush
Prototype for SAT-based dependency handling
Python library to simplify SQLite database operations
Python library the SimpliSafe API
Process-based discrete-event simulation framework based on standard Python
Portable mixed-precision BLAS-like vector math library for x86 and ARM
Access to the project version in Python code for PEP 621-style projects
Utility to let you have a single source of version in your code base
Sans-I/O Python client library for Brultech Devices
Python socks 4/5 client/server library/framework
Creates C++ bindings for Python modules
Creates C++ bindings for Python modules
Creates C++ bindings for Python modules
Python c-module for siphash
Simple Python Communications - used by the ARTIQ experimental control package
Sismic Interactive Statechart Model Interpreter and Checker
Control your Sisyphus Kinetic Art Table
Use dplyr-like syntax with pandas and SQL
Python 2 and 3 compatibility library
Decrypt and encrypt messages compatible to the "Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (SJCL)" message…
Tool and library for easily deploying applications on Apache YARN
Python access to operations on paths using the Skia library
Module that extends Python with the ability to design electronic circuits
Convert scikit-learn models to ONNX
Use evolutionary algorithms instead of gridsearch in scikit-learn
Python module to communicate with Skoda Connect
Library for saving/loading, sharing, and deploying scikit-learn based models
Scikit-learn compatible neural net library using Pytorch
Reinforcement learning library using PyTorch focusing on readability and simplicity
Python wrapper for the Skybell alarm API
Module for controlling a sky box
Elegant astronomy for Python
Format for standardized rule-based tilesets with 256 adjacency combinations
Websocket server that emits SkyTemple UI events
Python library to edit the ROM of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
Icons for SkyTemple
Binary Rust extensions for SkyTemple
Script Engine Debugger for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
SkyTemple Script Engine Debugger Emulator Backend
Framework to build Slack apps using Python
Slack Developer Kit for Python
Slack Developer Kit for Python
Controls a slapd process in a pythonic way
XMPP library for Python
A fork of SleekXMPP with TLS cert validation disabled, intended only to be used with the sucks pro…
Python module for SleepIQ API
Library to access sliced imaging data
Wraps tensor-like objects and provides a uniform slicing interface via getitem
Lazy-loading, fancy-sliceable iterable
SlimIt - a JavaScript minifier/parser in Python
Static Analyzer for Solidity
Python library for XMPP
Reference implementation of the slob (sorted list of blobs) format
Deep-learning based NLP modeling for Russian language
Python library for API rate limiting
Simple lua-python parser
URL-safe base64 UUID encoder for generating 22 character slugs
Improved PLY implementation of lex and yacc for Python 3
Connect to and retrieve data from the unofficial Smart Meter Texas API
Library for efficient streaming of very large file
Library for efficient streaming of very large file
Control devices in a SmartHab-powered home
Python with the SmartyPants
Python SMBv2 and v3 Client
Python module for SMBus access through Linux I2C /dev interface
Drop-in replacement for smbus-cffi/smbus-python
These builtin rules are available in Amazon SageMaker
Python library for accessing SMHI open forecast data
Pure python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
Python utility collection
Library for parsing Protocol Data Units (PDUs) in SMPP protocol
Library for parsing Protocol Data Units (PDUs) in SMPP protocol
SMPP library for Python
SMTP server for use as a pytest fixture for testing
Pure Python HDFS client
Generic cluster executor for Snakemake
Common functions and classes for Snakemake and its plugins
This package provides a stable interface for interactions between Snakemake and its executor plugi…
Interface for Snakemake report plugins
This package provides a stable interface for interactions between Snakemake and its storage plugin…
A Snakemake storage plugin that reads and writes from a locally mounted filesystem using rsync
Snakemake storage plugin for S3 API storage (AWS S3, MinIO, etc.)
Snakemake storage plugin for handling input and output via XRootD
Browser based viewer for profiling data
Interact with snap configuration and properties from inside a snap
Control Snapcast, a multi-room synchronous audio solution
Snapshot testing for pytest, unittest, Django, and Nose
Transform timestamps with a simple DSL
Sniff out which async library your code is running under
SNI proxy with TCP multiplexer
System for quickly generating training data with weak supervision
16 stemmer algorithms (15 + Poerter English stemmer) generated from Snowball algorithms
Snowflake Connector for Python
Snowflake SQLAlchemy Dialect