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Showing entries 1-100 out of 177.
calaosNix package categories
cupsmisc/cupsNix package categories
driversNix package categories
screensaversNix package categories
tmux-pluginsNix package categories
apulseNix package
PulseAudio emulation for ALSA
Reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A
Reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A
Reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A
Reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A
Reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A
Reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A
Reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A
Reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A
Reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A
autotilingNix package
Script for sway and i3 to automatically switch the horizontal / vertical window split orientation
Swiss Army Knive for bare metal
base16-builderNix package
Base16 Builder is a nimble command-line tool that generates themes for your favourite programs
Simple command-line tool to send text and files to discord
cupscupsNix package
Standards-based printing system for UNIX
cups-filtersNix package
Backends, filters, and other software that was once part of the core CUPS distribution but is no l…
cups-pk-helperNix package
PolicyKit helper to configure cups with fine-grained privileges
Highlight.js sources for the Nix Ecosystem's documentation
fastlyNix package
Command line tool for interacting with the Fastly API
gnukNix package
Implementation of USB cryptographic token for gpg
Official examples and tools from the JACK project
jack1Nix package
JACK audio connection kit
jack2Nix package
JACK audio connection kit, version 2 with jackdbus
Prosody configuration for Jitsi Meet
libjack2Nix package
JACK audio connection kit, version 2 with jackdbus
libpressureaudioNix package
Libpulse without any sound daemons over pure ALSA
lilypondlilypondNix package
Music typesetting system
lilypondlilypond-unstableNix package
Music typesetting system
lilypond-with-fontslilypond-unstable-with-fontsNix package
Music typesetting system
lilypond-with-fontslilypond-with-fontsNix package
Music typesetting system
opcua-client-guiNix package
t-recNix package
Blazingly fast terminal recorder that generates animated gif images for the web written in rust
Better mouse support for tmux
Soothing pastel theme for Tmux!
Continuous saving of tmux environment
Various copy-mode tools
Feature packed Dracula theme for tmux!
Fuzzy find your text with fzf instead of selecting it by hand
Fuzzy search for terminal scrollback
Quickly open urls on your terminal screen!
Vimium/Easymotion like navigation for tmux
Feature packed kanagawa theme for tmux!
Plugin that displays prompt indicating currently active Tmux mode
Nord Tmux theme with plugin support
Password-store browser using fzf in tmux
Tmux powerline theme
Empowering your tmux (status bar) experience!
Restore tmux environment after system restart
Rosé Pine theme for tmux
Tmux plugin for creating and switching between sessions based on recently accessed directories
Tmux session manager, with preview, fuzzy finding, and MORE
Plugin which makes tmux work and feel like i3wm
Floating pane for Tmux
Use fzf to manage your tmux work environment!
Tmux-nova theme
A clean, dark Tmux theme that celebrates the lights of Downtown Tokyo at night
Makes FocusGained and FocusLost autocommand events work in vim when using tmux
Shows weather in the status line
TranslateLocally model - Bulgarian-English tiny
TranslateLocally model - Catalan-English tiny
TranslateLocally model - Czech-English base
TranslateLocally model - Czech-English tiny
TranslateLocally model - German-English base
TranslateLocally model - German-English tiny
TranslateLocally model - Greek-English tiny
TranslateLocally model - English-Bulgarian tiny
TranslateLocally model - English-Czech base
TranslateLocally model - English-Czech tiny
TranslateLocally model - English-German base
TranslateLocally model - English-German tiny
TranslateLocally model - English-Spanish tiny