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Showing entries 101-167 out of 167.
pngcrushNix package
A PNG optimizer
pngloss-unstableNix package
Lossy compression of PNG images
pngnqNix package
A PNG quantizer
pngoptimizerNix package
PNG optimizer and converter
pngoutNix package
A tool that aggressively optimizes the sizes of PNG images
pngquantNix package
A tool to convert 24/32-bit RGBA PNGs to 8-bit palette with alpha channel preserved
pngtoicoNix package
Small utility to convert a set of PNG images to Microsoft ICO format
PNG manipulation tools
povrayNix package
Persistence of Vision Raytracer
pstoeditNix package
Translates PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats
puppeteer-cliNix package
Command-line wrapper for generating PDF prints and PNG screenshots with Puppeteer
Converts pixel art to SVG - pixel by pixel
qrcode-unstableNix package
A small QR-code tool
quircNix package
A small QR code decoding library
NCNN implementation of Real-ESRGAN
resvgNix package
An SVG rendering library
rocketNix package
A tool for synchronizing music and visuals in demoscene productions
s2pngNix package
Store any data in PNG images
sanjuuniNix package
A command-line tool that converts images and videos into a format that can be displayed in Compute…
scanbdNix package
Scanner button daemon
scrotNix package
A command-line screen capture utility
shot-scraperNix package
A command-line utility for taking automated screenshots of websites
shotgunNix package
Minimal X screenshot utility
sic-image-cliNix package
Accessible image processing and conversion from the terminal
Find good image crops for arbitrary crop sizes
An profiler for Android devices running Snapdragon chips
sngNix package
Minilanguage designed to represent the entire contents of a PNG file in an editable form
spirv-crossNix package
A tool designed for parsing and converting SPIR-V to other shader languages
steghideNix package
Open source steganography program
stegsolveNix package
A steganographic image analyzer, solver and data extractor for challanges
svg2pdfNix package
Convert SVG files to PDFs
svgbobNix package
Convert your ascii diagram scribbles into happy little SVG
Clean and optimize SVG files from unnecessary data
syntexNix package
Texture synthesis from examples
termimageNix package
Display images in your terminal
textplotsNix package
Terminal plotting written in Rust
Example-based texture synthesis written in Rust
timgNix package
A terminal image and video viewer
Redo of IRIX twilight backdrop in old school OpenGL
unpaperNix package
Post-processing tool for scanned sheets of paper
vipsNix package
Image processing system for large images
viuNix package
A command-line application to view images from the terminal written in Rust
vkbasaltvkBasaltNix package
A Vulkan post processing layer for Linux
vkbasaltvkbasaltNix package
A Vulkan post processing layer for Linux
vkbasalt-cliNix package
Command-line utility for vkBasalt
vkdisplayinfoNix package
Print displays and modes enumerated with the Vulkan function vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPropertiesK…
vkmarkNix package
An extensible Vulkan benchmarking suite
Vulkan hardware capability viewer
vulkan-ctsNix package
Khronos Vulkan Conformance Tests
Layers providing Vulkan features when native support is unavailable
A simple CLI app used to interface with basic Vulkan APIs
vulkan-toolsNix package
Khronos official Vulkan Tools and Utilities
LunarG Vulkan Tools and Utilities
Improved fork of Waifu2X C++ using OpenCL and OpenCV
wallutilsNix package
Utilities for handling monitors, resolutions, and (timed) wallpapers
A generator of bitmaps that are locally similar to the input bitmap
wdisplaysNix package
A graphical application for configuring displays in Wayland compositors
welkinNix package
An RDF visualizer
wgpu-utilsNix package
Safe and portable GPU abstraction in Rust, implementing WebGPU API
wkhtmltopdfNix package
Tools for rendering web pages to PDF or images
wkhtmltopdf-binNix package
Tools for rendering web pages to PDF or images (binary package)
xcftoolsNix package
Command-line tools for converting Gimp XCF files
xcolorNix package
Lightweight color picker for X11
xcur2pngNix package
Convert X cursors to PNG images
yaxg-unstableNix package
Yet Another X Grabber script
zbarNix package
Bar code reader
zxingNix package
1D and 2D code reading library