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Showing entries 1-100 out of 244.
steampipe-packagesNix package categories
3lloNix package
Trello interactive CLI on terminal
acpidump-allNix package
Walk through all ACPI tables with their addresses
amdfwtoolNix package
Create AMD firmware combination
android-toolsNix package
Android SDK platform tools
antimicroxNix package
GUI for mapping keyboard and mouse controls to a gamepad
aoc-cliNix package
Advent of code command line tool
apkeepNix package
Command-line tool for downloading APK files from various sources
ArchiNix package
ArchiMate modelling toolkit
Bash scripts that integrate bat with various command line tools
Bash scripts that integrate bat with various command line tools
batmanNix package
Bash scripts that integrate bat with various command line tools
Bash scripts that integrate bat with various command line tools
Bash scripts that integrate bat with various command line tools
birdfontNix package
Font editor which can generate fonts in TTF, EOT, SVG and BIRDFONT format
brotabNix package
Control your browser's tabs from the command line
calamarescalamaresNix package
Distribution-independent installer framework
calamarescalamares-nixosNix package
Distribution-independent installer framework
cbfstoolNix package
Management utility for CBFS formatted ROM images
cbmemNix package
Coreboot console log reader
chafaNix package
Terminal graphics for the 21st century
chef-cliNix package
Chef Infra Client is a powerful agent that applies your configurations on remote Linux, macOS, Win…
ckb-nextNix package
Driver and configuration tool for Corsair keyboards and mice
clipbuzzNix package
Buzz on new X11 clipboard events
contactsNix package
Access contacts from the Mac address book from command-line
Simple GUI to change settings in Coreboot's CBFS
coreutilscoreutilsNix package
GNU Core Utilities
coreutilscoreutils-prefixedNix package
GNU Core Utilities
coreutils-fullNix package
GNU Core Utilities
cutecomNix package
Graphical serial terminal
depotdownloaderNix package
Steam depot downloader utilizing the SteamKit2 library
dialogboxNix package
Qt-based scriptable engine providing GUI dialog boxes
didyoumeanNix package
CLI spelling corrector for when you're unsure
dijoNix package
Scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker
diskusNix package
Minimal, fast alternative to 'du -sh'
docker-syncNix package
Run your application at full speed while syncing your code for development
dvtmNix package
Dynamic virtual terminal manager
Dynamic virtual terminal manager
ectoolNix package
Dump the RAM of a laptop's Embedded/Environmental Controller (EC)
envchainNix package
Set environment variables with macOS keychain or D-Bus secret service
esphomeNix package
Make creating custom firmwares for ESP32/ESP8266 super easy
fclonesNix package
Efficient Duplicate File Finder and Remover
fclones-guiNix package
Interactive duplicate file remover
fffuu-unstableNix package
Fancy Formal Firewall Universal Understander
ffsendNix package
Easily and securely share files from the command line
fileNix package
Program that shows the type of files
findutilsNix package
GNU Find Utilities, the basic directory searching utilities of the GNU operating system
flowggerNix package
Fast, simple and lightweight data collector written in Rust
fltrdrNix package
TUI text reader for the terminal
fluentdNix package
Data collector
fonduNix package
freshfetchNix package
Fresh take on neofetch
fwupNix package
Configurable embedded Linux firmware update creator and runner
gaphorNix package
Simple modeling tool written in Python
gazelle-originNix package
Tool for generating origin files using the API of Gazelle-based torrent trackers
gbdfedNix package
Bitmap Font Editor
geekbenchgeekbenchNix package
Cross-platform benchmark
geekbenchgeekbench_4Nix package
Cross-platform benchmark
geekbenchgeekbench_5Nix package
Cross-platform benchmark
gh-calNix package
GitHub contributions calender terminal viewer
Plugin that enables users to execute term searches and get notified when the given criteria are me…
SSO support for Graylog through trusted HTTP headers set by load balancers or authentication proxi…
Message filter plugin can be used to do DNS lookups for the source field in Graylog messages
Integrations are tools that help Graylog work with external systems (unfree enterprise integration…
Prints out all messages that have an estimated size crossing a configured threshold during process…
Collection of open source Graylog integrations that will be released together
Graylog plugin to record internal logs of Graylog efficiently instead of sending them over the net…
Graylog-server plugin that replaces the last octet of IP addresses in messages with xxx
Jabber Alarmcallback Plugin for Graylog
Output plugin for integrating Graphite, Ganglia and StatsD with Graylog
Graylog input plugin that reads MongoDB profiler data
Alarm callback plugin for integrating PagerDuty into Graylog
Redis plugin for Graylog
Can notify Slack or Mattermost channels about triggered alerts in Graylog (Alarm Callback)
Alert/notification callback plugin for integrating the SMSEagle into Graylog
Graylog plugin to receive SNMP traps
Correlate proton density to the response time of your app and the ion temperature to your exceptio…
Graylog output plugin that forwards one or more streams of data to Splunk via TCP
Alarm callback plugin for integrating the Twilio SMS API into Graylog
Graylog input plugin that reads Twitter messages based on keywords in realtime
graylog_5.2Nix package
Open source log management solution
graylog_6.0Nix package
Open source log management solution
grcNix package
Generic text colouriser
grexNix package
Command-line tool for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases
grubgrub2Nix package
GNU GRUB, the Grand Unified Boot Loader
grubgrub2_efiNix package
GNU GRUB, the Grand Unified Boot Loader
grubgrub2_fullNix package
GNU GRUB, the Grand Unified Boot Loader
grubgrub2_lightNix package
GNU GRUB, the Grand Unified Boot Loader
grubgrub2_xenNix package
GNU GRUB, the Grand Unified Boot Loader
grub4dosNix package
GRUB for DOS is the dos extension of GRUB
gweNix package
System utility designed to provide information, control the fans and overclock your NVIDIA card
hNix package
Faster shell navigation of projects
hasteNix package
Command line interface to the AnyStyle Parser and Finder
hdf5Nix package
Data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data
hdf5-cpphdf5Nix package
Data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data
hdf5-cpphdf5-cppNix package
Data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data
hdf5-cpp-fortranNix package
Data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data
Data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data
hdf5-fortran-mpiNix package
Data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data
hdf5-mpiNix package
Data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data