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Showing entries 101-144 out of 144.
pinentry-gtk2Nix package
GnuPG’s interface to passphrase input
pinentry-macNix package
Pinentry for GPG on Mac
pinentry-qtNix package
GnuPG’s interface to passphrase input
pinentry-ttyNix package
GnuPG’s interface to passphrase input
plasma-passNix package
Plasma applet to access passwords from pass, the standard UNIX password manager
proxmark3proxmark3Nix package
Client for proxmark3, powerful general purpose RFID tool
proxmark3proxmark3-rrgNix package
Client for proxmark3, powerful general purpose RFID tool
qdigidocNix package
Qt-based UI for signing and verifying DigiDoc documents
quillNix package
Minimalistic ledger and governance toolkit for cold wallets on the Internet Computer
rblake2sumNix package
Recursive blake2 digest (hash) of a file-system path
rblake3sumNix package
Recursive blake3 digest (hash) of a file-system path
rekor-cliNix package
CLI client for Sigstore, the Signature Transparency Log
rekor-serverNix package
Sigstore server, the Signature Transparency Log
rofi-passrofi-passNix package
Script to make rofi work with password-store
rofi-passrofi-pass-waylandNix package
Script to make rofi work with password-store
roninNix package
Free and Open Source Ruby toolkit for security research and development
rucredstashNix package
Utility for managing credentials securely in AWS cloud
rustscanNix package
Faster Nmap Scanning with Rust
saml2awsNix package
CLI tool which enables you to login and retrieve AWS temporary credentials using a SAML IDP
sbomnixNix package
Utilities to help with software supply chain challenges on nix targets
schleuderNix package
Schleuder is an encrypting mailing list manager with remailing-capabilities
sheesy-cliNix package
'share-secrets-safely' CLI to interact with GPG/pass-like vaults
softhsmNix package
Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS #11 interface
solo2-cliNix package
CLI tool for managing SoloKeys' Solo2 USB security keys
sslscanNix package
Tests SSL/TLS services and discover supported cipher suites
stokenNix package
Software Token for Linux/UNIX
torNix package
Anonymizing overlay network
torsocksNix package
Wrapper to safely torify applications
traceeNix package
Linux Runtime Security and Forensics using eBPF
trufflehogNix package
Find credentials all over the place
vaultwardenbitwarden_rsNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenbitwarden_rs-mysqlNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenbitwarden_rs-postgresqlNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenbitwarden_rs-sqliteNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenvaultwardenNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenvaultwarden-mysqlNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwardenvaultwarden-postgresqlNix package
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust
vaultwarden-webvaultbitwarden_rs-vaultNix package
Integrates the web vault into vaultwarden
vaultwarden-webvaultvaultwarden-vaultNix package
Integrates the web vault into vaultwarden
web-eid-appNix package
Signing and authentication operations with smart cards for the Web eID browser extension
whatwebNix package
Next generation web scanner
wofi-passNix package
Script to make wofi work with password-store
wpscanNix package
Black box WordPress vulnerability scanner
zstegNix package
Detect stegano-hidden data in PNG & BMP