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The system-wide memory allocator.

Briefly, the system-wide memory allocator providers are:

  • libc: the standard allocator provided by libc
  • graphene-hardened: An allocator designed to mitigate memory corruption attacks, such as those caused by use-after-free bugs.
  • jemalloc: A general purpose allocator that emphasizes fragmentation avoidance and scalable concurrency support.
  • mimalloc: A compact and fast general purpose allocator, which may optionally be built with mitigations against various heap vulnerabilities.
  • scudo: A user-mode allocator based on LLVM Sanitizer’s CombinedAllocator, which aims at providing additional mitigations against heap based vulnerabilities, while maintaining good performance.
Selecting an alternative allocator (i.e., anything other than libc) may result in instability, data loss, and/or service failure.
one of "libc", "graphene-hardened", "jemalloc", "mimalloc", "scudo"