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Define specific rules to be set in the /etc/doas.conf file. More specific rules should come after more general ones in order to yield the expected behavior. You can use mkBefore and/or mkAfter to ensure this is the case when configuration options are merged. Be aware that this option cannot be used to override the behaviour allowing passwordless operation for root.

list of (submodule)
[ ]
  # Allow execution of any command by any user in group doas, requiring
  # a password and keeping any previously-defined environment variables.
  { groups = [ "doas" ]; noPass = false; keepEnv = true; }

  # Allow execution of "/home/root/" by user `backup` OR user
  # `database` OR any member of the group with GID `1006`, without a
  # password.
  { users = [ "backup" "database" ]; groups = [ 1006 ];
    cmd = "/home/root/"; noPass = true; }

  # Allow any member of group `bar` to run `/home/baz/` as user
  # `foo` with argument `hello-doas`.
  { groups = [ "bar" ]; runAs = "foo";
    cmd = "/home/baz/"; args = [ "hello-doas" ]; }

  # Allow any member of group `bar` to run `/home/baz/` as user
  # `foo` with no arguments.
  { groups = [ "bar" ]; runAs = "foo";
    cmd = "/home/baz/"; args = [ ]; }

  # Allow user `abusers` to execute "nano" and unset the value of
  # SSH_AUTH_SOCK, override the value of ALPHA to 1, and inherit the
  # value of BETA from the current environment.
  { users = [ "abusers" ]; cmd = "nano";
    setEnv = [ "-SSH_AUTH_SOCK" "ALPHA=1" "BETA" ]; }