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Discourse site settings. These are the settings that can be changed from the UI. This only defines their default values: they can still be overridden from the UI.

Available settings can be found by looking in the site_settings.yml file of the upstream distribution. To find a setting's path, you only need to care about the first two levels; i.e. its category and name. See the example.

Settings containing secret data should be set to an attribute set containing the attribute _secret - a string pointing to a file containing the value the option should be set to. See the example to get a better picture of this: in the resulting config/nixos_site_settings.json file, the login.github_client_secret key will be set to the contents of the /run/keys/discourse_github_client_secret file.

JSON value
{ }
  required = {
    title = "My Cats";
    site_description = "Discuss My Cats (and be nice plz)";
  login = {
    enable_github_logins = true;
    github_client_id = "a2f6dfe838cb3206ce20";
    github_client_secret._secret = /run/keys/discourse_github_client_secret;