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This option allows you to define APs for one or multiple physical radios. At least one radio must be specified.

For each radio, hostapd requires a separate logical interface (like wlp3s0, wlp3s1, ...). A default interface is usually be created automatically by your system, but to use multiple radios of a single device, it may be required to create additional logical interfaces for example by using networking.wlanInterfaces.

Each physical radio can only support a single hardware-mode that is configured via (services.hostapd.radios.<radio>.band). To create a dual-band or tri-band AP, you will have to use a device that has multiple physical radios and supports configuring multiple APs (Refer to valid interface combinations in iw list).

attribute set of (submodule)
{ }
  # Simple 2.4GHz AP
  wlp2s0 = {
    # countryCode = "US";
    networks.wlp2s0 = {
      ssid = "AP 1";
      authentication.saePasswords = [{ password = "a flakey password"; }]; # Use saePasswordsFile if possible.

  # WiFi 5 (5GHz) with two advertised networks
  wlp3s0 = {
    band = "5g";
    channel = 0; # Enable automatic channel selection (ACS). Use only if your hardware supports it.
    # countryCode = "US";
    networks.wlp3s0 = {
      ssid = "My AP";
      authentication.saePasswords = [{ password = "a flakey password"; }]; # Use saePasswordsFile if possible.
    networks.wlp3s0-1 = {
      ssid = "Open AP with WiFi5";
      authentication.mode = "none";

  # Legacy WPA2 example
  wlp4s0 = {
    # countryCode = "US";
    networks.wlp4s0 = {
      ssid = "AP 2";
      authentication = {
        mode = "wpa2-sha256";
        wpaPassword = "a flakey password"; # Use wpaPasswordFile if possible.