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Options for configuring workers. Worker support will be enabled if at least one worker is configured here.

See the worker documention for possible options for each worker. Worker-specific options overriding the shared homeserver configuration can be specified here for each worker.

Worker support will add a replication listener on port 9093 to the main synapse process using the default value of services.matrix-synapse.settings.listeners and configure that listener as services.matrix-synapse.settings.instance_map.main. If you set either of those options, make sure to configure a replication listener yourself. A redis server is required for running workers. A local one can be enabled using services.matrix-synapse.configureRedisLocally. Workers also require a proper reverse proxy setup to direct incoming requests to the appropriate process. See the reverse proxy documentation for a general reverse proxying setup and the worker documentation for the available endpoints per worker application.
attribute set of (YAML value)
{ }
  "federation_sender" = { };
  "federation_receiver" = {
    worker_listeners = [
        type = "http";
        port = 8009;
        bind_addresses = [ "" ];
        tls = false;
        x_forwarded = true;
        resources = [{
          names = [ "federation" ];