Options for PHP's php.ini file for nextcloud.
Please note that this option is additive on purpose while the attribute values inside the default are option defaults: that means that
services.nextcloud.phpOptions."opcache.interned_strings_buffer" = "23";
will override the php.ini
option opcache.interned_strings_buffer
without discarding the rest of the defaults.
Overriding all of phpOptions
(including upload_max_filesize
, post_max_size
and memory_limit
which all point to by default) can be done like this:
services.nextcloud.phpOptions = lib.mkForce {
/* ... */
attribute set of (string or signed integer)
catch_workers_output = "yes";
display_errors = "stderr";
error_reporting = "E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT";
expose_php = "Off";
"opcache.fast_shutdown" = "1";
"opcache.interned_strings_buffer" = "8";
"opcache.max_accelerated_files" = "10000";
"opcache.memory_consumption" = "128";
"opcache.revalidate_freq" = "1";
"openssl.cafile" = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt";
output_buffering = "0";
short_open_tag = "Off";