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Shared folder list. If enabled, web UI must be disabled. Secrets can be generated using rslsync --generate-secret.

If you would like to be able to modify the contents of this directories, it is recommended that you make your user a member of the rslsync group.

Directories in this list should be in the rslsync group, and that group must have write access to the directory. It is also recommended that chmod g+s is applied to the directory so that any sub directories created will also belong to the rslsync group. Also, setfacl -d -m group:rslsync:rwx and setfacl -m group:rslsync:rwx should also be applied so that the sub directories are writable by the group.

list of attribute set of anything
[ ]
    directory = "/home/user/sync_test";
    knownHosts = [
    searchLAN = true;
    secretFile = "/run/resilio-secret";
    useDHT = false;
    useRelayServer = true;
    useSyncTrash = true;
    useTracker = true;