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Multiple monitor configuration, just specify a list of XRandR outputs. The individual elements should be either simple strings or an attribute set of output options.

If the element is a string, it is denoting the physical output for a monitor, if it's an attribute set, you must at least provide the output option.

The monitors will be mapped from left to right in the order of the list.

By default, the first monitor will be set as the primary monitor if none of the elements contain an option that has set primary to true.

Only one monitor is allowed to be primary.

Be careful using this option with multiple graphic adapters or with drivers that have poor support for XRandR, unexpected things might happen with those.

list of ((submodule) or string convertible to it)
[ ]
    output = "DVI-0";
    primary = true;
    monitorConfig = "Option \"Rotate\" \"left\"";
    output = "DVI-1";