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Specifies the initial hashed password for the user, i.e. the hashed password assigned if the user does not already exist. If users.mutableUsers is true, the password can be changed subsequently using the passwd command. Otherwise, it's equivalent to setting the hashedPassword option.

Note that the hashedPassword option will override this option if both are set.

To generate a hashed password run mkpasswd.

If set to an empty string (""), this user will be able to log in without being asked for a password (but not via remote services such as SSH, or indirectly via su or sudo). This should only be used for e.g. bootable live systems. Note: this is different from setting an empty password, which can be achieved using users.users.<name?>.password.

If set to null (default) this user will not be able to log in using a password (i.e. via login command).

null or (string, not containing newlines or colons)