Showing entries 1-40 out of 40.
Whether to allow logging into accounts that have no password set (i.e., have an empty password fie…
Enable support for attaching AppArmor profiles at the user/group level, e.g., as part of a role ba…
If enabled, pam_gnome_keyring will attempt to automatically unlock the user's default Gnome keyrin…
Whether X authentication keys should be passed from the calling user to the target user (e.g. for …
If set, fingerprint reader will be used (if exists and your fingerprints are enrolled)
If set, will use the Google OS Login PAM modules (pam_oslogin_login, pam_oslogin_admin) to verify …
If set, will use the pam_oslogin_login's user authentication methods to authenticate users using 2…
Attribute set describing resource limits
Whether to log authentication failures in /var/log/faillog
Whether to try to create home directories for users with $HOMEs pointing to nonexistent locations …
If set, the pam_mysql module will be used to authenticate users against a MySQL/MariaDB database
Name of the PAM service
Whether the delay after typing a wrong password should be disabled
If set, the OATH Toolkit will be used
If set, the OTPW system will be used (if ~/.otpw exists)
If set, keys listed in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and ~/.eid/authorized_certificates can be used to lo…
Enable PAM mount (pam_mount) system to mount filesystems on user login
Whether to permit root access only to members of group wheel
If set, root doesn't need to authenticate (e.g. for the useradd service)
If set, the calling user's SSH agent is used to authenticate against the configured keys
Whether the service should set the environment variables listed in environment.sessionVariables us…
Set the login uid of the process (/proc/self/loginuid) for auditing purposes
Whether to show the message of the day
If set, the calling user's SSH agent is used to authenticate against the keys in the calling user'…
Enforce sssd access control
If set, the service will register a new session with systemd's login manager
Contents of the PAM service file
If set, users listed in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Yubico/u2f_keys (or $HOME/.config/Yubico/u2f_keys if XDG …
Whether users can log in with passwords defined in /etc/shadow
Whether to update /var/log/wtmp
If set, users with an SSH certificate containing an authorized principal in their SSH agent are ab…
If set, users listed in ~/.yubico/authorized_yubikeys are able to log in with the associated Yubik…
Enable unlocking and mounting of encrypted ZFS home dataset at login