Belgian electronic identity card (eID) middleware.
Allows user authentication and digital signatures with Belgian ID cards. Also requires a running pcscd service and compatible card reader.
eid-viewer is also installed.
This package only installs the libraries. To use eIDs in Firefox or Chromium, the eID Belgium add-on must be installed. This package only installs the libraries. To use eIDs in NSS-compatible browsers like Chrom{e,ium} or Firefox, each user must first execute: ~$ eid-nssdb add (Running the script once as root with the --system option enables eID support for all users, but will not work when using Chrom{e,ium}!) Before uninstalling this package, it is a very good idea to run ~$ eid-nssdb [--system] remove and remove all ~/.pki and/or /etc/pki directories no longer needed.
The above procedure doesn't seem to work in Firefox. You can override the firefox wrapper to add this derivation to the PKCS#11 modules, like so:
firefox.override { pkcs11Modules = [ pkgs.eid-mw ]; }