Diagram editor.
Blobs is a diagram editor for directed graphs. It is written in Haskell, using the platform-independent GUI toolkit wxHaskell. It is a community project at a fairly early stage of development - you are encouraged to get involved and improve it!
Blobs is a front-end for drawing and editing graph diagrams. You must add your own back-end engine if you want it to do some analysis or processing of the graph.
Blobs from http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/darcs/Blobs/
Note: wxc- fails to compile, see https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=536845&aid=3536406&group_id=73133
A workaround: wxc install fails with eljpen.cpp not compiling.
Change line 159 to
_ref = ((const char const*)NULL);
*_ref = NULL;
0.3 Introduce class GuiEdit and GuiGlobalEdit to allow custom dialogs for editing the global,node and edge attributes
0.2 Move the contents into the Graphics.Blobs namespace
0.1 Initial import of original code, updated for GHC 7.0.4