A library for working with .cabal files.
This library provides tools for reading and manipulating the .cabal file format.
Version 3.6 (unlike the following versions) is a dummy package that prevents module name clases between Cabal and Cabal-syntax if used together with a Cabal flag as described below.
In Cabal-3.7 this package was split off. To avoid module name clashes, you can add this to your .cabal file:
flag Cabal-syntax
description: Use the new Cabal-syntax package
default: False
manual: False
-- ...
if flag(Cabal-syntax)
build-depends: Cabal-syntax >= 3.7
build-depends: Cabal < 3.7, Cabal-syntax < 3.7
This will default to the older build, but will allow consumers to opt-in to the newer libraries by requiring Cabal or Cabal-syntax >= 3.7