Package implementing core logic for refreshing of expiring data.
This package can be used for refreshing of expiring data according to a user-provided action. Using callbacks, the user can decide how she or he would like to be informed about data refreshing.
This is Haskell library implementing the logic for refreshing of expiring data according to user-provided actions.
Create a new configuration using
, providing the action to be used for data refreshing.Adjust the configuration using the
functions, in particular usingasyncRefreshConfSetCallback
to initiate a new thread managing the asynchronous refreshing.
The following IO action produces a TVar
which is updated every ten seconds to contain the current time (wrapped in an Either SomeException
, because refreshing may fail).
periodicTimeUpdater :: IO (TVar (Either SomeException UTCTime))
periodicTimeUpdater = runStderrLoggingT $ do
timeStore <- liftIO $ newTVarIO (Left (toException NotFound))
let conf = newAsyncRefreshConf (RefreshResult <$> liftIO getCurrentTime <*> pure Nothing)
& asyncRefreshConfSetLabel "CurrentTime updated every 10 seconds"
& asyncRefreshConfSetDefaultInterval (10 * 10^3)
& asyncRefreshConfSetCallback (liftIO . atomically . writeTVar timeStore . fmap refreshResult)
_ <- newAsyncRefresh conf
return timeStore