Lenses for bencoded data.
A port of lens-aeson for bencoding.
Law abiding lenses and traversals for bencoding, ported from lens-aeson. Works with arbitrary bencoded data, although most examples in the wild are torrent files.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Lens
import Data.BEncode
import Data.BEncode.Lens
import Network.HTTP.Simple -- from http-conduit
import Crypto.Hash -- from cryptonite
main = do
-- Get the ubuntu 20.04 live server torrent file with http-conduit
torrent <- getResponseBody <$> httpBS ""
-- Print some interesting bits of the torrent file
-- Announce link
print (torrent ^? key "announce")
-- Just (BString "")
-- Keys of the top level dict
print (fmap fst (torrent ^@.. members))
-- ["announce","announce-list","comment","created by","creation date","info"]
-- Keys of the info dict
print (fmap fst (torrent ^@.. key "info" . members))
-- ["length","name","piece length","pieces"]
-- Piece length
print (torrent ^? key "info" . key "piece length" . _BInteger)
-- Just 262144
-- Compute the info hash (see definition below)
print (torrent ^?! infoHash)
-- b44a0e20fa5b7cecb77156333b4268dfd7c30afb
infoHash :: (AsBValue t) => Fold t (Digest SHA1)
infoHash = key "info" . to (hashlazy . encode)