A Haskell library for working with the BitX bitcoin exchange.
Haskell bindings to the Luno (formerly BitX) REST API, as described here: https://www.luno.com/en/api.
Note that since this library interfaces directly with a financial API, great care must be taken in its use. In particular, the author cannot be held accountable for any financial losses as a result of programming error, whether that error is in your code, the code of the author of this library, or Luno's code. This is just common sense.
If you need to make sure that nothing funny happens in the code, apart from reading the source yourself, you should also perform a few test transactions with very small denominations, as I will strive to do every time before releasing a new version.
For a very small usage example, see Network.Bitcoin.BitX.Public
(Hopefully useful) Haskell bindings to the Luno (formerly BitX) cryptocurrency exchange's API.
As a minimal example, to get the current selling price (in South African Rand) of Bitcoin on the Luno exchange, do the following:
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Network.Bitcoin.BitX (BitXAPIResponse(..), getTicker, CcyPair(..))
import qualified Network.Bitcoin.BitX as BitX
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (Status(..))
import Network.HTTP.Client (responseStatus)
main :: IO ()
main = do
bitXResponse <- getTicker XBTZAR
case bitXResponse of
ValidResponse tic ->
case tic ^. BitX.ask of
Nothing -> putStrLn "The BTC-ZAR exchange not currently have an ask price..."
Just p -> putStrLn ("1 Bitcoin will set you back ZAR" ++ show p ++ ".")
ErrorResponse err ->
error $ "BitX error received: \"" ++ unpack (err ^. BitX.error) ++ "\""
ExceptionResponse ex ->
error $ "Exception was thrown: \"" ++ show ex ++ "\""
UnparseableResponse _ resp ->
error $ "Bad HTTP response; HTTP status code was: \"" ++ (show . statusCode . responseStatus $ resp) ++ "\""
Note that the code snippet above depends on http-types, text, http-client, lens (or any lens
-compatible package, such as microlens), and finally bitx-bitcoin.
This library is known to work on Windows, but if you wish to use it then you will have to do a bit more work due to the Network
library not building on Windows out of the box. Your best bet might be to just use Stack.