Explicitly typed, checked exceptions with stack traces.
This package provides explicitly typed, checked exceptions as a library.
Computations throwing different types of exception can be combined seamlessly.
data Expr = Add Expr Expr | Div Expr Expr | Val Double
eval (Val x) = return x
eval (Add a1 a2) = do
v1 <- eval a1
v2 <- eval a2
let sum = v1 + v2
if sum < v1 || sum < v2 then throw SumOverflow else return sum
eval (Div a1 a2) = do
v1 <- eval a1
v2 <- eval a2
if v2 == 0 then throw DivideByZero else return (v1 / v2)
data DivideByZero = DivideByZero deriving (Show, Typeable)
data SumOverflow = SumOverflow deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception DivideByZero
instance Exception SumOverflow
GHCi infers the following types
eval :: (Throws DivideByZero l, Throws SumOverflow l) => Expr -> EM l Double
eval `catch` \ (e::DivideByZero) -> return (-1) :: Throws SumOverflow l => Expr -> EM l Double
runEM(eval `catch` \ (e::SomeException) -> return (-1)) :: Expr -> Double
In addition to explicitly typed exceptions this package provides:
Support for explicitly documented, unchecked exceptions (via
).Support for selective unchecked exceptions (via
).Support for exception call traces via
. Example:
f () = do throw MyException
g a = do f a
main = runEMT $ do g () `catchWithSrcLoc`
\loc (e::MyException) -> lift(putStrLn$ showExceptionWithTrace loc e)
-- Running main produces the output:
*Main> main
in f, Main(example.hs): (1,6)
g, Main(example.hs): (2,6)
main, Main(example.hs): (5,9)
main, Main(example.hs): (4,16)