Classical data sets for statistics and machine learning.
Classical machine learning and statistics datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository and other sources.
The datasets
package defines two different kinds of datasets:
small data sets which are directly (or indirectly with `file-embed`) embedded in the package as pure values and do not require network or IO to download the data set. This includes Iris, Anscombe and OldFaithful.
other data sets which need to be fetched over the network with
and are cached in a local temporary directory.
The datafiles/
directory of this package includes copies of a few famous datasets, such as Titanic, Nightingale and Michelson.
Example :
import Numeric.Datasets (getDataset)
import Numeric.Datasets.Iris (iris)
import Numeric.Datasets.Abalone (abalone)
main = do
-- The Iris data set is embedded
print (length iris)
print (head iris)
-- The Abalone dataset is fetched
abas <- getDataset abalone
print (length abas)
print (head abas)