Derive HasField instances with Template Haskell.
A Template Haskell function to derive HasField instances to utilize OverloadedRecordDot more effectively.
Derive HasField instances
The OverloadedRecordDot
syntax is surprisingly nice. I really enjoy writing code with this extension and I was originally hesistant.
Persistent has a really nice feature where it will automatically remove prefixes from models. Given a model like,
accountNumber String
You would normally reference this field as bankAccountAccountNumber
. However, with overloaded record dot you can write bankAccount.accountNumber
which is much nicer.
At work, I really wanted this for every record. With this library, I can write,
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import DeriveHasField
data BankAccount =
{ bankAccountAccountNumber :: String
deriveHasField ''BankAccount
-- alternatively, for prefixes that don't match the data constructor name
deriveHasFieldWith (dropPrefix "bankAccount") ''BankAccount