Compatibility operators for Persistent and Esqueleto.
Please see the README on GitHub at
This library aims to provide compatibility operators that can allow esqueleto and persistent to be imported together.
Operators like ==.
and >=.
are defined as class members, and you can use them in the same module. Functions like update
that are shared in both libraries are given an E
suffix for the esqueleto
version. And functions for operating on SqlExpr
are given an _
suffix when the name would otherwise be a conflict.
import Database.Esqueleto.Compat
foo :: MonadIO m => TableId -> SqlPersistT m ()
foo tableKey = do
-- Esqueleto:
updateE $ \table -> do
set [table ^. TableField =. val "Hello"] table
where_ $ table ^. TableId ==. val tableKey
-- Persistent
update tableKey [TableField =. "Goodbye"]
-- Esqueleto:
select $ do
pure $ exists_ $ do
t <- from $ table @Table
where_ $ t ^. TableField ==. val "Hello"
-- Persistent
exists [TableField ==. val "Hello"]