Quasiquoter for system commands involving filepaths.
file-command-qq is a simple quasiquoter for running system commands that take a filepath as an argument.
For instance
> :set -XOverloadedStrings
> import FileCommand
> import Filesystem.Path
> [s|echo $filename|] "/home/test/thing.txt"
will return
You can think of [s|echo $filename|]
essentially converts into
\path -> system $ "echo" ++ encodeString (filename path)
Here is another example
> [s|gcc $path -o $directory$basename.o|] "/home/test/thing.c"
All "file parts" start with a '$'. The '$' can be escaped by preceding it with a '\'
There are the following options for "file parts"
Which correspond to the respective functions in https://hackage.haskell.org/package/system-filepath-0.4.6/docs/Filesystem-Path.html#g:1
file-command-qq is a simple quasiquoter for running system commands that take a filepath as an argument.
For instance
> :set -XOverloadedStrings
> import FileCommand
> import Filesystem.Path
> [s|echo $filename|] "/home/test/thing.txt"
will return
You can think of [s|echo $filename|]
essentially converts into
\path -> system $ "echo" ++ encodeString (filename path)
All "file parts" start with a '$'. The '$' can be escaped by preceding it with a ''
There are the following options for "file parts"
- $path
- $root
- $directory
- $parent
- $filename
- $dirname
- $basename
- $ext
Which correspond to the respective functions in https://hackage.haskell.org/package/system-filepath-0.4.6/docs/Filesystem-Path.html#g:1