A monad for interfacing with external SMT solvers.
Hasmtlib is a library for generating SMTLib2-problems using a monad. It takes care of encoding your problem, marshaling the data to an external solver and parsing and interpreting the result into Haskell types. It is highly inspired by ekmett/ersatz which does the same for QSAT. Communication with external solvers is handled by tweag/smtlib-backends.
Hasmtlib - Haskell SMTLib MTL Library
Hasmtlib is a library with high-level-abstraction for generating SMTLib2-problems using a monad. It takes care of encoding your problem, marshaling the data to an external solver and parsing and interpreting the result into Haskell types. It is highly inspired by ekmett/ersatz which does the same for QSAT. Communication with external solvers is handled by tweag/smtlib-backends.
Building expressions with type-level representations of the SMTLib2-Sorts guarantees type-safety when communicating with external solvers.
While formula construction is entirely pure, Hasmtlib - just like ersatz
- makes use of observable sharing for expressions.
This allows you to use the much richer subset of Haskell than a purely monadic meta-language would, which ultimately results in extremely compact code.
For instance, to define the addition of two V3
containing Real-SMT-Expressions:
v3Add :: V3 (Expr RealSort) -> V3 (Expr RealSort) -> V3 (Expr RealSort)
v3Add = liftA2 (+)
Even better, the Expr-GADT allows a polymorph definition:
v3Add :: Num (Expr t) => V3 (Expr t) -> V3 (Expr t) -> V3 (Expr t)
v3Add = liftA2 (+)
This looks a lot like the definition of Num for V3 a
instance Num a => Num (V3 a) where
(+) :: V3 a -> V3 a -> V3 a
(+) = liftA2 (+)
Hence, no extra definition is needed at all. We can use the existing instances:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
import Language.Hasmtlib
import Linear
-- instances with default impl
instance Codec a => Codec (V3 a)
instance Variable a => Variable (V3 a)
main :: IO ()
main = do
res <- solveWith @SMT (solver cvc5) $ do
setLogic "QF_NRA"
u :: V3 (Expr RealSort) <- variable
v <- variable
assert $ dot u v === 5
return (u,v)
print res
May print: (Sat,Just (V3 (-2.0) (-1.0) 0.0,V3 (-2.0) (-1.0) 0.0))
- [x] SMTLib2-Sorts in the Haskell-Type to guarantee well-typed expressions
data SMTSort = BoolSort | IntSort | RealSort | BvSort BvEnc Nat | ArraySort SMTSort SMTSort | StringSort data Expr (t :: SMTSort) where ... ite :: Expr BoolSort -> Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr t
- [x] Full SMTLib 2.6 standard support for Sorts Bool, Int, Real, BitVec, Array & String
- [x] Type-level length-indexed Bitvectors with type-level encoding (Signed/Unsigned) for BitVec
- [x] Pure API with plenty common instances:
and many more - [x] Add your own solvers via the Solver type
- [x] Solvers via external processes: CVC5, Z3, Yices2-SMT, MathSAT, OptiMathSAT, OpenSMT & Bitwuzla
- [x] Support for incremental solving
- [x] Pure quantifiers
solveWith @SMT (solver z3) $ do setLogic "LIA" z <- var @IntSort assert $ z === 0 assert $ for_all $ \x -> exists $ \y -> x + y === z return z
- [x] Optimization Modulo Theories (OMT) / MaxSMT
res <- solveWith @OMT (solver z3) $ do setLogic "QF_LIA" x <- var @IntSort assert $ x >? -2 assertSoftWeighted (x >? -1) 5.0 minimize x return x
Related work
- ekmett/ersatz: Huge inspiration for this library (some code stolen). We do for
what they do forSAT
. - hgoes/smtlib2: Their eDSL is highly expressive and focuses on well-typed SMT-expressions. But their approach is a little verbose and makes usage feel quite heavy. Their eDSL is also entirely monadic and therefore formula construction is painful.
- yav/simple-smt: They are lightweight but their types are weak and their API is barely embedded into Haskell.
- LevantErkok/sbv: While they "express properties about Haskell programs and automatically prove them using SMT", we instead use Haskell to simplify the encoding of SMT-Problems. They can do a whole lot (C-Code-Gen, Crypto-Stuff,...), which is cool, but adds weight.
If you want highly specific implementations for different solvers, all their individual configurations and swallow the awkward typing, then use hgoes/smtlib2.
If you want to express properties about Haskell programs and automatically prove them using SMT, then use LevantErkok/sbv.
If you want to encode SMT-problems as lightweight and close to Haskell as possible, then use this library. I personally use it for scheduling/resource-allocation-problems.
There are some examples in here.
Contact information
Contributions, critics and bug reports are welcome!
Please feel free to contact me through GitHub.