Hess-Smith panel code for inviscid 2-d airfoil analysis.
Library and command line REPL with plotting to do simple inviscid hess-smith panel code.
Features include:
Cheap and shameless xfoil ripoff for relp/plotting interface
Naca 4-series support with Gauss-Newton paneling
Broken UIUC database integration (type "uiuc [foilname]")
Haskeline interface with tab-completion (oooh)
Single and multi-element airfoils
Inviscid, incompressible, 2-dimensional flow only
To get started, do cabal install or whatever, then run the "hfoil" binary.
Things to try: "naca 2412", "alfa 4", (hit enter before entering another airfoil), "load [filename]", "uiuc e330"