Attoparsec-based parsers for the RFC-2616 HTTP grammar rules.
The purpose of this package is to provide a faithful implementation of the RFC-2616 HTTP grammar rules without concession to popular deviations that "happen in the wild". The implementation is far from complete. My development plan for this package is to add various productions from time to time as I need them in other work I'm doing. Contributions are most welcome and highly encouraged.
is a Haskell package that provides Attoparsec-based productions that are faithful to the HTTP grammar specified in RFC-2616.
The guiding philosophy of this package is to prioritize precision and faithfulness to RFC-2616 over all other considerations.
Contributions are welcome and encouraged! The development plan for this package is to add productions from time to time as they are needed in my other work, and to solicit the contributions of productions from you as they are needed in your other work.
I'm also willing to take requests. If there is a production you need but for whatever reason can't or don't want to implement, just submit a github issue.