LDIF idempotent apply tool.
LDIF idempotent apply tool. This tool is similar to ldapmodify
with one exception: it's idempotent. It was written to help declarative deployments with NixOS.
How it works
- If change type is not specified, it adds or replaces an entry.
- If change type is specified, it acts like normal
is written in Haskell with GHC. All required Haskell libraries are listed in ldapply.cabal. Use cabal-install to fetch and build all pre-requisites automatically.
Type ldapply --help
to see usage summary:
ldapply [options] LDIF...
-H <ldapuri> LDAP URL to connect to [default: ldapi:///]
-x Use simple bind instead of default SASL External
-D <binddn> Use <binddn> for the distinguished name or authorization identity
-w <passwd> Use <passwd> as the password for simple bind
-y <passwdfile> Read password from <passwdfile>, only the first line is read
-h, --help Show this message
If option -w is given, -y is ignored.
LDIF example
dn: dc=nodomain
objectClass: top
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
dc: nodomain
o: Example, Inc.
dn: cn=reader,dc=nodomain
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalRole
objectclass: simpleSecurityObject
cn: reader
description: Initial description
userPassword: qwerty123lol
# description will be removed, userPassword changed:
dn: cn=reader,dc=nodomain
objectclass: top
objectclass: simpleSecurityObject
objectclass: organizationalRole
cn: reader
userPassword: foobar12345
# userPassword will be changed:
dn: cn=reader,dc=nodomain
changetype: modify
replace: userPassword
userPassword: anothersecretstuff
dn: cn=reader,dc=nodomain
changetype: modify
replace: description
description: foo
# This will be deleted if exists:
dn: cn=reader,dc=nodomain
changetype: delete