Client library for communicating with legion-discovery.
Please see
This is a Haskell client library used to communicate with the Legion Discovery discovery service.
Performing a query without registering a service.
If you want to perform a query without registering yourself a service, the following example is how you might typically accomplish that. Note that even though you are not starting a service, you must still specify a name and a version for the local program. The reason for this is that Legion Discovery keeps track of all requests in order to build a dependency graph of your service ecosystem.
import Network.HTTP.Client as C
import OM.Discovery (connect, query)
name = "my-program" {- the name of this client program. -}
version = "0.1" {- the version of this client program. -}
targetService = "some-service" {- the name of the service you are looking for. -}
targetRange = "> 1.1.1 && < 1.2" {- the range of acceptable versions you wish to find. -}
in do
manager <- C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
discovery <- connect name version manager
servicesInstances <- query targetService targetRange discovery
Registering a service.
The following example shows how to register a service, using withService
import Network.HTTP.Client as C
import OM.Discovery (connect, withService)
name = "my-program" {- the name of this client program. -}
version = "0.1" {- the version of this client program. -}
serviceAddr = "" {- the address on which your service is running. -}
in do
manager <- C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
discovery <- connect name version manager
withService serviceAddr discovery $ do
Your service code here. When this IO block exits (for any reason,
including exceptions) then the service will unregister itself.