The Lazy Virtual Machine (LVM) Runtime System.
The Lazy Virtual Machine (LVM) defines a portable instruction set and file format. It is specifically designed to execute languages with non-strict (or lazy) semantics. This cabal package defines an LVM runtime written in C. The core assembler (coreasm) for compiling core programs into LVM instructions and a library is defined in the lvmlib cabal package. The LVM is used as a backend for the Helium compiler. More information about LVM can be found in Chapter 6 of Daan Leijen's PhD Thesis, The Lambda Abroad. We use the Make build-type here. The dependencies are provided in the Cabal file, and their generation is not handled by Cabal. Instead, if you change dependencies please run `make depend'. This occurs extremely rarely, though, because we do not plan to evolve lvmrun. Fornothing.hs is only there to please Cabal.