Morpheus GraphQL CLI.
code generator for Morpheus GraphQL
Morpheus GraphQL CLI
Morpheus GraphQL CLI helps you to generate GraphQL APIs .
Morpheus GraphQL CLI is still in an early stage of development, so any feedback is more than welcome, and we appreciate any contribution! Just open an issue here on GitHub, or join our Slack channel to get in touch.
Getting Started
To get started with Morpheus, you first need to add it to your project's dependencies, as follows (assuming you're using hpack):
- morpheus-graphql-cli
Additionally, you should tell stack which version to pick:
resolver: lts-14.8
- morpheus-graphql-0.5.0
As Morpheus and is quite new, make sure stack can find morpheus-graphql by running stack upgrade
and stack update
Code Generating
Generating dummy Morpheus Api from schema.gql
morpheus build src/schem.gql src/GQLApi.hs
type Query {
deity(name: String!): Deity!
type Deity {
name: String!
power: String
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- generated by 'Morpheus' CLI
module API (rootResolver) where
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Morpheus.Types (GQLRootResolver(..), toMutResolver, IORes, IOMutRes, IOSubRes, Event(..), SubRootRes, GQLType(..), GQLScalar(..), ScalarValue(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
rootResolver :: GQLRootResolver IO () () Query () ()
rootResolver =
{ queryResolver = resolveQuery
, mutationResolver = return ()
, subscriptionResolver = return ()
---- GQL Query -------------------------------
data Query = Query
{ deity :: ArgDeity -> IORes Deity
deriving (Generic)
data ArgDeity = ArgDeity
{ name :: Text
deriving (Generic)
instance GQLType Query where
type KIND Query = OBJECT
resolveQuery :: IORes Query
resolveQuery = return Query
{ deity = const resolveDeity
---- GQL Deity -------------------------------
data Deity = Deity
{ name :: () -> IORes Text
, power :: () -> IORes (Maybe Text)
deriving (Generic)
instance GQLType Deity where
type KIND Deity = OBJECT
resolveDeity :: IORes Deity
resolveDeity = return Deity
{ name = const $ return ""
, power = const $ return Nothing
this command will generate Haskell API and resolvers, resolvers will resolve default values for every object
The name
Morpheus is the greek god of sleep and dreams whose name comes from the greek word μορφή meaning form or shape. He is said to be able to mimic different forms and GraphQL is good at doing exactly that: Transforming data in the shape of many different APIs.
Morpheus is written and maintained by nalchevanidze.