Oculus Rift ffi providing head tracking data.
Bindings to the oculus rift sdk head tracking. Requires installation of the OculusSdk, currently only supported for linux installs. You're going to need to either install the sdk under the default include and ld search path, or you can point cabal to your local oculusSdk install by using the "--extra-include-dirs" and "--extra-lib-dirs" flags.
For example "cabal install --extra-include-dirs /path/to/OculusSDK/LibOVR/Include --extra-lib-dirs /path/to/OculusSDK/LibOVR/Lib/Linux/Release/x86_64"
Below is a small program that initializes the rift and prints the orientation every second until ctrl-C
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Rift
main = eitherT print printOrientation initRift
where printOrientation h = forever $ wait1sec >> orientation h >>= print
wait1sec = threadDelay 1000000