Convert colors to different color spaces, interpolate colors, and transform colors.
is a Haskell library for transforming colors. Specifically, providing functions for transforming between different color spaces (CIE
and sRGB
), interpolating colors and adjusting the tint, shade, hue, or lightness of a color.
The inspiration for this library came from a desire to blend two colors represented in the sRGB
color space. My research about color blending and color space representation in the computer led me to the conclusion that the CIE L*Ch
color space is the most effective for blending because it most accurately represents how the human eye sees hue and therefore preserves (and blends) hue the most accurately.
is a Haskell library for transforming colors. Specifically, providing functions for transforming between different color spaces (CIE
and sRGB
), interpolating colors and adjusting the tint, shade, hue, or lightness of a color.
The inspiration for this library came from a desire to blend two colors represented in the sRGB
color space. My research about color blending and color space representation in the computer led me to the conclusion that the CIE L*Ch
color space is the most effective for blending because it most accurately represents how the human eye sees hue and therefore preserves (and blends) hue the most accurately.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Convertible
import Data.Prizm.Color
import Data.Prizm.Color.CIE as CIE
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Convert RGB colors to the CIE.LCH color space
let green :: CIE.LCH = convert $ mkRGB 102 255 0
pink :: CIE.LCH = convert $ mkRGB 255 0 255
-- Blend with a weight of 50%
blended50 = pink <~> green
-- Blend with a weight of 20%
blended20 = interpolate 20 (pink,green)
-- Print the CIE.LCH representation
putStrLn $ show blended50
-- Print the RGB representation of the blended color
putStrLn . show $ ((convert blended20) :: RGB)
-- Print the RGB color in a hexadecimal encoding
putStrLn . show $ ((convert blended20) :: HexRGB)
Supported Algorithms
CIE XYZ <-> CIE L*ab
CIE L*ab <-> CIE L*Ch
Supported Functions
- Color interpolation
- Tinting / Darkening
- Lightness
- Hue
- Chroma/Saturation
Example blending with CIELCH converted back to RGB.