Remote Monad implementation of the JSON RPC protocol.
JSON RPC, where you can using monads and applicative functors to bundle JSON RPC methods and notifications.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, OverloadedStrings, TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import Control.Natural ((:~>), nat)
import Control.Remote.Monad.JSON
import Control.Remote.Monad.JSON.Router(transport,router,Call(..),methodNotFound)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text(Text)
-- Our small DSL
say :: Text -> RPC ()
say msg = notification "say" (List [String msg])
temperature :: RPC Int
temperature = method "temperature" None
-- Our remote program
main :: IO ()
main = do
let s = weakSession network
t <- send s $ do
say "Hello, "
say "World!"
print t
-- Simulate the JSON-RPC server
network :: SendAPI :~> IO
network = transport $ router sequence $ nat remote
remote :: Call a -> IO a
remote (CallMethod "temperature" _) = return $ Number 42
remote (CallNotification "say" (List [String msg])) = print msg
remote _ = methodNotFound