REST resources for the Snap web framework.
REST resources for the Snap framework.
As an example, let's translate the following datatype into a resource.
data User = User Username String Int
type Username = CI String
We need a type to represent changes to the resource. This partial
type indicates what properties to change: either the name, the age, or both.
data UserPart = UserPart (Maybe String) (Maybe Int)
This type also acts as a search mechanism: we can search by names, ages, or both. We can use either a username or a UserPart
search to find users, and define a function to convert URL query string parameters to this search.
type UserId = Either Username UserPart
userIdFromParams :: Params -> Maybe UserId
Now we have the pieces required to define our CRUD behaviour.
createUser :: User -> AppHandler ()
readUser :: UserId -> AppHandler [User]
updateUser :: UserId -> UserPart -> AppHandler Bool
deleteUser :: UserId -> AppHandler Bool
If we've implemented Aeson instances, we can add JSON as a media format without having to define these manually. Once the behaviour is attached to the resource, it can be served in the handler.
serveUser :: AppHandler ()
serveUser = serveResource $ resource
& addMedia jsonInstances
& setCreate createUser
& setRead readUser
& setUpdate updateUser
& setDelete deleteUser
& setFromParams userIdFromParams